Name: Dragon Ball Goku Ssj2 Figure Wood Carving
Category: Dragon Ball
Dimension 1 : H: 35cm
Dimension 2 : H: 20cm
Weight: 1 kg
Material: Mahogany
How Goku Super Saiyan 2 was made by our artists:
About Goku Super Saiyan 2
A strong body is needed to achieve Super Saiyan 2
As the Super Saiyan 2 is a 100 times multiplier, twice as powerful as Super Saiyan (50x2=100).. meaning all strain and energy drain are 100 times than normal. Positive or negative. If the user doesn’t have the tough body to handle such a multiplied amount of power, Super Saiyan 2 might only last for seconds or cannot be reached.
In Dragon Ball Super, Goku/Vegeta has a base form that can walk in 400 times gravity like normal already, so their body are intensely tough and powerful, making them able to handle a 100 times multiplier effect with very minimum strain in the body and can fight in SSJ2 form in a prolonged period of time. As long as a Saiyan has intense body and stamina (a.k.a powerful base form surpassing Cell arc or Buu arc), any Saiyan can reach Super Saiyan 2 if they learn to tap it (whether through intense rage or tingly feeling lol)
Anyway, despite having the body to maintain the strain of both Super Saiyan 1 and 2 transformation… staying in Super Saiyan is still tough in the body.
Similar to the concept that assuming you can lift 20 lbs of dumbbell already, that doesn’t mean that if you lift 10 pounds of dumbbell and continuously lift it will not make you tired. At a certain point, you will still get tired with the 10 lbs dumbbell, but it will take a longer period of time before you get tired with the 10 lbs dumbbell than continuously lifting the 20 lbs one.
Applying the logic in Dragon Ball, the concept is similar to the Super Saiyan transformation, Goku and co. can now maintain the Super Saiyan 1 and 2 in a long period of time (except SSJ3 as that one is 400x energy-draining form), but that doesn’t mean they will no longer tired if they stayed in the form too much. The 50 and 100 multiplier effect are still in apply but is now tolerable because their body is now so strong and can tolerate the strain compared if they have a weak body.

Studio : D WoodArt Studio
Name: Dragon Ball Goku Super Saiyan 2
Product number: AL-DB0002
Shipping cost: Free Shipping
*This product we do not accept order canceled, please order with care!
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